Monday, December 27, 2010

6th yr anniversary

So our 6 year anniversary is tomorrow.  We often joke and call this our Christmasversary because they're so close together.  We aren't doing anything for it and I like it that way.  We just spent money on Christmas and we're about to spend (and have already spent) a lot of money on a wedding and honeymoon that is going to be changing our anniversary anyway.

Girls everywhere are probably going, what?! You don't want flowers, or chocolates?! A nice dinner out?! I can honestly say in a non-trapping way I don't want anything nor do I want to do anything.

I just want to hang out with my soon to be hubby, on the couch, w/o getting dressed up or made up (which is fun but it always feels like work lol) and watch a movie.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Saying goodbye to 2010

Christmas, more than anything, makes me see the end of the year.  I know that sounds strange especially since I will be ringing in the New Years with some of the best friends I could ever ask for.  Something about Christmas though, just makes it feel that much more-maybe because it is the very first concrete symbol of the year coming to a close.

I could not have asked for a better year despite everything.  I was unemployed and very stressed for a long period of time during it but I'm walking into 2011 with job security, knowing I'll have my bachelors degree in English, and I'll be getting married to a man I am so in love with and so very proud of. I'll be taking steps to getting into Concordia to start my teaching degree too.

All of this has made it pretty easy to say goodbye to 2010.  I won't feel sad or melancholy at the years passing because I'm so excited for the years I have yet to celebrate and even the people I have yet to meet, including the children Adam and I would like to have before we're over 30. 

Much Love, many happy wishes.  Don't dwell on what could have been or what you could change this past year, this year keep the good memories and drive forward expecting to make many more mistakes but even more happy memories.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Surviving Black Friday

The definition of insanity is: doing something over and over expecting different results.  Now when i folded the same sweaters over and over for the first 5 hours of my shift I'm not entirely sure how/why I thought it would some how stop (that would be the expectation part I assume).

So, 12.5 hours of work, and a total of 19 hours since I woke up I am a little punchy to say the least.  I'm beyond exhausted, so much to the point where I can't fall asleep.  Anyone ever have that problem? You're too exhausted to fall asleep? Now I would like nothing more than to take a shower to try to ease myself into sleepy bliss and my man has taken the shower with the hopeful words I'll be quick.  Last time he said that I had to rush my somewhat luke warm shower that was cool by the time I got the conditioner rinsed out-if I don't sound enthusiastic or relieved its because I'm neither.  I am currently very cranky and sensitive and might have to kick my honeys butt for not being as sensitive as he could stealing the shower...

So praying she doesn't end up with a cold shower, this is B, 'night.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


And it isn't the phat, dope, wicked cool, kind of sick.  It is Adam's dad who is sick. 

He had what he thought was pneumonia. He was coughing a lot and was really congested in his lungs.  He went in to see a doctor who wanted a CT scan and they found some masses so he is having an operation to find out what it is.

While I'm never happy if anyone in my life is sick I do have to say this is becuase of his smoking.  Its making him sick.  I think Adam and I need to have a conversation with him and tell him he needs to quit smoking. He gets these colds and what not every fall because of his smoking.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Life update

Been busy work and school.  I have a decent chunk of time off this week so I want to get ahead on hmwk and do some baking.  I've wanted to bake some bread and general fall goodies.  I don't know why that is. I know my mom gets into bake mode when it turns fall, maybe its genetic.  A diet-debilitating baking disease :P.

Turns out Bella (the ferret) was really sick.  She has had really bad congestion (think pneumonia-but ferret sized) and violent sneezing fits.  We had taken her to the vet 3x in the last few months for her shots and a check up because we concerned about the sneezing and congestion.  He said lets wait and see.  We finally had enough of wait and see and went for a second opinion.  About the time we called the 2nd vet Bellas health really deteriorated and the ferret specialist ran some tests and found out she was indeed a very sick girl.  She (and the other two fuzzy monsters) are currently on some antibiotics.  Giving antibiotics to a ferret is like trying to shoot a very small squirming target.  Its entertaining and takes some skill and you aren't always going to hit the target.  This can be proved by the pink stains on both the ladies (the squirmiest of our three)-the antibiotic amoxicillan is made for animals but they never changed the flavor from that yummy bubble gum flavor or color!

I'm currently working on my save the dates, school, work, and trying to do hmwk and sleep somewhere in there.  Anyone who is working and going to school can empathize but you gotta do what you gotta do.  People with FT jobs and/or kids do it (how? I'm guessing large doses of uppers in the shape of a styrofoam cup filled with the essence known as coffee :)!) and I don't have kids and its only a PT job.  So I've gotta tell myself, yes its hard, yes sometimes I feel like quitting, and then I remember there is always somebody out there who has it worse and me complaining about my pathetic shit (excuse my french) helps no one, least of all myself.

So here I am, trying to stay positive, self motivated, and sane. Wish me luck and speedy access to that styrofoam cup filled with happy :)!


Friday, October 29, 2010

Perfect Fall Recipe!

A new take on regular salted pumpkin seeds.  It comes out salty like regular ones but its a tad different taste to it.  I doubled the amount of spices to seeds because I love my snacks a little salty-if you do this you will have to leave it in the oven longer to get crisp or you can turn the heat up and watch them.  I also suggest adding Parmesan-it works nicely with the spices.  You can find the original recipes and others at:



  • 1 1/2 tablespoons margarine, melted
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 cups raw whole pumpkin seeds


  1. Preheat oven to 275 degrees F (135 degrees C).
  2. Combine the margarine, salt, garlic salt, Worcestershire sauce and pumpkin seeds. Mix thoroughly and place in shallow baking dish.
  3. Bake for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Fall is finally here.  We're getting some intermediate rain mingled with dry crisp days.  Its the beginning of my favorite time of year.  When everything outside smells kind of damp and like wood burning fires.  I have this tree right outside my balcony that is changing color, its all mixed with green, yellow leaves with splashes of red where its getting the most sun.  It absolutely gorgeous.  Adam and I are going to the pumpkin patch in a few minutes to get pumpkins and get some fresh produce from the farmers market.  Then scary maze time with friends! Look for pictures soon!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dicks Sporting Good Job

So yay! I've got a job.  I've been unemployed quite some time now and Dicks Sporting Goods hired me :). I'm excited to start, my orientation is supposed to be tomorrow but I still haven't heard back from the HR people. Its making me kind of nervous because I got hired for a part time seasonal job with Ross a few years ago to pick up some extra $$.  So the manager said they'd call me in about 2-3 days with my training schedule.  So he didn't and a work week goes by so I call.  He isn't there or he is busy etc etc. This is the MO when I call every two days or so.  So after three weeks I gave up-figured something screwy happened with the manager or with my hiring.  Never heard from them again.

I really hope that isn't the case with Dicks Sporting.  I really need and want this job!


Thursday, October 14, 2010


So as an English major, I don't know if I've said that or not, I have a love of words.  I've decided to start a word list.  These words may be short, long, in the dictionary or  words that have been made up-slang etc. I may have heard them in a poem or I may not know the definition of them and am learning the definition while I post, add, edit this blog (the definitions will most likely come from These are in no particular order...It's kind of short now but it will grow as I think of more words :)!

-Superfluous-I just love the way this word sounds[soo-pur-floo-uhs]  Show IPA–adjective 1.being more than is sufficient or required; excessive.
2.unnecessary or needless.
3.Obsolete . possessing or spending more than enough or necessary; extravagant
-Blogetry-This is a word we made up in class.  The professor and another kid and I somehow started on blogs about poetry.  Then we mused about how ridiculous that could be and how it could get out of hand.  And I said you know you have a problem though when they push the two words together to form a whole new catchphrase like Plog and the other kid said or blogetry.  Made me smile!
-Surcease of Sorrow-This is from The Raven by Poe.  Ok so its cheating a little because its a phrase but this turn-a-phrase is just awesome...
[sur-sees]  verb, -ceased, -ceas·ing. noun
–verb (used without object) cease from some action; desist. come to an end.
–verb (used with object)
3.Archaic . to cease from; leave off.
4.cessation; end.


So I have my three ferrets.  And two of them, Bella and Loki, have been having really bad sneezing fits. So bad in fact that Bella sometimes whines a little.  We don't know what to do. We thought it may be allergies, so we changed their food, started washing their hammock beds in detergent free of perfumes and dyes, changed the litter we were using to a dustless, and they've been to the vet for regular check ups and he saw the sneeze attacks and said it looked perfectly normal to him-that maybe they were passing a cold around which will 'run' its course.

 We even washed every inch of their cage in a very light bleach water last night.  It could take time before we start to see results.  Personally, and this could by psychosomatic, I think Loki is starting to sound better.  His sneeze attacks are much more mild starting last night.  Bella however had one just this morning and let out a whopper of whine that just broke my heart.  These sneeze attacks are violent but again the vet said its probably nothing...I hope something works because its so awful to see them that way.



Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So I'm writing a response paper, only 2-3 pages, about this reading that we had for one of my classes.  I'm looking at whether the authors writing was unsympathetic to feminism.  It got me thinking a lot about how feminism has changed, evolved, and how it started.  You know, what it means and all that jazz.

It's really helping me to shape my paper and explain what I think feminism is.  It isn't women in a pair of leather shit kickers (aka leather combat style boots) who burn their bras-at least not anymore.  Its about choices.  Women have more choices now than ever before and that is such a huge win.  It isn't "us" against "them" anymore.  None of this women vs men or even women vs saddens me to realize that so many women are at odds with each other...the professional women see women who stay at home with the kids as throwing away all the rights that our mothers and grandmothers fought for.  Housewives argue that professional women are abandoning their kids or their "hearth and home" in general. 

What they don't realize is that we have the choice to do one or the other or both and that is such a huge win.  We should be able to come together on that ground.

I'm not saying that women aren't still behind men on some levels (the wage gap and the second shift) but we have choices out parents or grandparents didn't have.  They're so common place and ingrained that we take them for granted.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Apt pictures :)

Vaulted ceiling
View from kitchen




Front room from the entryway

View of the loft from down below

Stairs to loft, I like the small ledge you see on the right near the landing

More Loft
More Loft

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tea Pots

I think its the weather but it makes me think of tea.

 I can't help but think its too easy.  I put the water in a mug and in the microwave and in a minute and a half I have the perfect temperature water.  It's not quite boiling and has a nice steam coming off of it and I know that it won't lose its heat while I sit on the couch.

Then I pick out a tea bag.  Do I want something spicy? Apple cinnamon.  Something relaxing? Chamomile and lavender. Simple and caffeinated? English breakfast tea with a bit of milk.  I drop the bag into the water and let it steep, add some honey and maybe a little lemon juice for most of the teas I enjoy. 

See, now doesn't this sound lovely?  But I can't help but feel its almost too easy.  It makes me think of old tea pots and how much I would love one.  I even have a nice serving set too for milk, sugar, and even matching platters for pastries for tea time, how quaint.  [Please do not misunderstand my use of the word quaint which I use to convey old fashioned charm.]  I have never used it though because I have never had an occasion to stand on ceremony.

So I think I think a tea kettle and tea pot are in order.  Apparently there is a difference.  I have heard the term tea kettle and tea pot but never realized that they were not the same thing.  This either uncovers my personal ignorance toward the whole process and/or Americas lack of knowledge regarding tea service, and most likely these ideas are not mutually exclusive. 

So I should acquire a tea kettle (an electric one just won't do), tea pot, and some nice deep mugs to drink it out of.  I might even start collecting tea pots...when I'm old and my children are teenagers I have to have something to embarrass them with.  Now enjoy my pictures of fun unique tea kettles and tea pots :D!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Favorite time of year aka the state I love

 Downtown in fall. Tom McCall Waterfront park

City view (Mt. Hood in the background) from Rose Garden

Oregon Coastline

Multnomah Falls first signs of frost

Friday, October 1, 2010

Playing with my webcam :)

Me trying out the webcam-like my hoodie?


Its me and Loki.

This is me and Bella...she loves my hoodie :)!

War is complicated, economics is complicated, people don't do complicated people do soundbites.

That was a spontaneous quote my honey came up with. It was hilarious-I cracked up and just had to share it.

This is just a "Brandie update".

This apartment almost looks normal-there is still some boxes of random crap everywhere but its coming along.  I'm starting to fee comfortable here finally, ya know-being able to walk around in the dark in your underwear kind of comfortable.  It's still a little tough because there are some boxes and things that need organization on the floor that I trip over from time to time but I'm no longer slamming into the walls during that middle of the night bathroom run. 

I just found out that my best friend is moving back to Oregon with her baby boy! I'll be so excited to have her back in my life...not just because I'm getting married and shes my MOH but because shes like my more exotic-like (she has the awesome gypsy like quality) and more quirky sister :).

Ta-ta for now!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First Day of School

I love the PSU campus.  Especially this area (5th and Mill).  I had some time to kill and I planted my butt on the edge of the fountain in the center of this picture and just enjoyed the air. It is so gorgeous.

Classes were good. I take Yoga to start my day. We didn't do anything today because the poor instructor is recovering from back surgery but I am looking forward to it being a great way to start my school days. I always feel energized and restored after a little yoga.

I've already dropped my 2p class. Nothing against the professor but it just wasn't for me.  It was a writing class and it was all about writing whatever we want. Any English majors or creative vessels just mentally slapped me but please let me explain.  I have creative times through long droughts and being forced to write anything I can think of is just way too much pressure for me. I'll totally clog up.  Having some kind of structure like write a short story or a fiction or a poem leaves the creative door open but will prevent me from clogging up.  I have replaced it with an American Poetry class which I am VERY excited about.

My afternoon class is with a professor whom I love. I've had her before and she is amazing! She is also very funny which makes class even better.

All in all a good day!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hot and Sweaty

Yes I am about to talk about something as mundane as the weather :p.

It is almost October and it is 91 degrees out today.  I felt every bit of it because before 3p today I completed; cleaning the old apt kitchen, vacuuming, loaded and unloaded the car 3x (2 car loads brought over last night and 1 load this morning),  cleaned out the fireplace, vacuumed out cobwebs, cleaned off the back porch, unpacked and placed candles and other knick knacky items in the new apt, went to the bank, and bed bath and beyond. I think I deserve a break but in a little while its back to the grind, more boxes to unpack and more things to set up...yay :p.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moved in!

We're in.  Can we find everything? Is most of the things we own in a box? The answers, I am proud to say, are Most of it and No respectively :)!  I cooked in my new kitchen and I think I had a spiritual experience. Ok, that might be a little over the top but being that I love to cook the extra counter space, cabinet space, and newer shinier appliances are well appreciated.

I don't mean to brag, ok yes I do...but the washer and dryer are something to dream about.  I had a washer and dryer in my previous apartment but it was an old "thin twin" stackable.  It is a a little less than half the normal size of a washer and dryer and makes laundry day a nightmare. I now have a full size washer and dryer but it is quite possibly a little larger than a standard size one.  It handled 4 new towels, 2 hand towels, and a bulky twin comforter w/o a hiccup. 

I still have things in boxes and things are a bit messy but it is coming along nicely.  I can't wait until all my pictures are up and my candles are out.  Its usually the last thing you do but it starts to make a place feel "lived in".  Photos soon!

Reporting from Box city!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


After two years in my current apartment Adam and I decided to move to a bigger/better layout. Its not that are current apartment is "bad" but that we're in a position to go from good to great.  Our current apartments layout wasn't very well planned...we have hallway that is 7+ feet wide and a kitchen and front room that is too small.

We move in on Thursday! Some friends are willing to help, bless them :). It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate when you have your own place.  I'm already on box 2 for my kitchen and I still have at least another big box.

Then of course there is the bedroom, linens, bathrooms, front room, and general knick knack/candle/photos and frames. My apartment looks like box city sprinkled with furniture and things we use on a daily basis.

I'll be so happy when we're settled in our new apartment, over 100 more sq ft, walk through closet, bathroom that is double the size of my current one, a loft that gets so much wonderful light, and vaulted ceilings. We also are getting a full sized washer/dryer in the unit.  Before all we had was a stack-able half sized unit.  I'll post pictures of our new place soon...I'm so in love with it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rant time

My rant begins by seeing peoples responses to the Lady Gaga video regarding Don't ask, don't tell (DADT) policy in the military.

Let me begin by saying-all religious, political and personal beliefs aside regarding DADT and homosexuality I want to say that the way people responded is appalling.

Let me explain, many of the comments posted on this video were not thoughtful and/or intellectual comments.  Rather they were filled with insulting and crude comments. 

Regardless of whether or not I agree with any of the comments I do believe that if you want to be heard you need to present yourself as an intelligent way.  Take time to compose your thoughts and why you do not like X, Y, or Z.

Has the internet become a place for people to spout off their opinions w/o thought, often facts or spell check ;), in ways that demean and insult other people?  Is it OK to use free speech in this way? Albeit these questions are mostly rhetorical but if you have an intelligent respectful response (agree or otherwise) feel free to voice it. Also, yes I do see the irony in using an online blog to express negative opinions about the spouting off of information lol but to be fair it is the way they express it that I have negative reaction to.

That's all :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ferret Drama part 2:Good news

So Bella has been on antibiotics and painkillers (despite her best efforts lol).  She is definitely feeling better because she's back to her normal self.  Jumping, hopping, and getting into trouble.  She looks a little goofy because they had to shave the hair on her tail because they had to get a better look- just the base of her tail is shaved-she looks like a little pipe cleaner lol.  In the mean time she's been getting A LOT of ferretone (its actually a vitamin oil but they LOVE the taste so you would think its a treat!) and attention which ferrets love.

So that is the good news :)


Saturday, September 18, 2010


Rain always makes me feel lazy and groggy.  Makes me want to take a bath, eat popcorn, and drink tea-not in that order and probably not all at once :).

Ferret Drama

I have three ferrets.  Two girls and one boy. One of my girls Bella was acting really weird and the long and short of it is she had gotten a cut on her tail that abscessed.  So the poor baby girl had an infected cut.

Now she is on a pain killer and antibiotics...have you ever seen a ferret on pain killers? Take a step back, have you ever tried to give a ferret pain killers? They're very smart and its taking something very small (.01 cc's of medicine) and aiming it at a small moving target.

It's very cute in that frustrating way.  Its something I think parents can relate to-when your child does something somewhat frustrating but its so cute you can't possibly stay annoyed for too long-its just like that.

For those in you not in the know regarding ferrets I've attached a pic of my fuzzbutts, so cute no?
Bella (healthy and happy here :)!)

Baby Boy Loki
Gentle girl Alice

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wedding Stuff

Don't worry, I'll try not to turn this into a wedding blog but since it is a important thing on the checklist that is my life you will hear about it a lot until June next year.

We're meeting with the venue today to hopefully finalize all the details. Very excited.  Unfortunately we are both not sleeping well so Adam and I are a little cranky.  Hopefully we can get through the day w/o anyone losing their cool.

If I had to say anyone would go all snippy-I'd put 2-1 on myself lol.

That's my snippet for the day-enjoy!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog a success

Yay, I think she's got it!

So this is blog attempt take 2.  I'm hoping I can get the hang of it. 

Some exciting news today, my aunt and uncle had a baby.  Welcome to Duncan!  He was born this afternoon. Seeing a picture of him cuddled up on my aunts chest while she was totally blissed out made me think of how much I want a little one.  

Adam and I (my fiance) have talked about it and kids are definitely in the future. We agree  that I should finish my degree first (English then teaching) not to mention we want to enjoy being married for a while.   

That's my randomness for the day.

Blog attempt take 2

Hey, I'm new to this whole blog thing and I had to make a second go of it.  My first attempt failed.  I'm hoping this one works.  I'm going to try the thing that confused me so we'll know in a minute...wish me luck!