Thursday, October 14, 2010


So I have my three ferrets.  And two of them, Bella and Loki, have been having really bad sneezing fits. So bad in fact that Bella sometimes whines a little.  We don't know what to do. We thought it may be allergies, so we changed their food, started washing their hammock beds in detergent free of perfumes and dyes, changed the litter we were using to a dustless, and they've been to the vet for regular check ups and he saw the sneeze attacks and said it looked perfectly normal to him-that maybe they were passing a cold around which will 'run' its course.

 We even washed every inch of their cage in a very light bleach water last night.  It could take time before we start to see results.  Personally, and this could by psychosomatic, I think Loki is starting to sound better.  His sneeze attacks are much more mild starting last night.  Bella however had one just this morning and let out a whopper of whine that just broke my heart.  These sneeze attacks are violent but again the vet said its probably nothing...I hope something works because its so awful to see them that way.



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