Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So I'm writing a response paper, only 2-3 pages, about this reading that we had for one of my classes.  I'm looking at whether the authors writing was unsympathetic to feminism.  It got me thinking a lot about how feminism has changed, evolved, and how it started.  You know, what it means and all that jazz.

It's really helping me to shape my paper and explain what I think feminism is.  It isn't women in a pair of leather shit kickers (aka leather combat style boots) who burn their bras-at least not anymore.  Its about choices.  Women have more choices now than ever before and that is such a huge win.  It isn't "us" against "them" anymore.  None of this women vs men or even women vs saddens me to realize that so many women are at odds with each other...the professional women see women who stay at home with the kids as throwing away all the rights that our mothers and grandmothers fought for.  Housewives argue that professional women are abandoning their kids or their "hearth and home" in general. 

What they don't realize is that we have the choice to do one or the other or both and that is such a huge win.  We should be able to come together on that ground.

I'm not saying that women aren't still behind men on some levels (the wage gap and the second shift) but we have choices out parents or grandparents didn't have.  They're so common place and ingrained that we take them for granted.


  1. To me, feminism means having a choice to do either, or both. Every woman has a right to her choice, whatever that may be.
