Friday, October 1, 2010

War is complicated, economics is complicated, people don't do complicated people do soundbites.

That was a spontaneous quote my honey came up with. It was hilarious-I cracked up and just had to share it.

This is just a "Brandie update".

This apartment almost looks normal-there is still some boxes of random crap everywhere but its coming along.  I'm starting to fee comfortable here finally, ya know-being able to walk around in the dark in your underwear kind of comfortable.  It's still a little tough because there are some boxes and things that need organization on the floor that I trip over from time to time but I'm no longer slamming into the walls during that middle of the night bathroom run. 

I just found out that my best friend is moving back to Oregon with her baby boy! I'll be so excited to have her back in my life...not just because I'm getting married and shes my MOH but because shes like my more exotic-like (she has the awesome gypsy like quality) and more quirky sister :).

Ta-ta for now!

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