Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First Day of School

I love the PSU campus.  Especially this area (5th and Mill).  I had some time to kill and I planted my butt on the edge of the fountain in the center of this picture and just enjoyed the air. It is so gorgeous.

Classes were good. I take Yoga to start my day. We didn't do anything today because the poor instructor is recovering from back surgery but I am looking forward to it being a great way to start my school days. I always feel energized and restored after a little yoga.

I've already dropped my 2p class. Nothing against the professor but it just wasn't for me.  It was a writing class and it was all about writing whatever we want. Any English majors or creative vessels just mentally slapped me but please let me explain.  I have creative times through long droughts and being forced to write anything I can think of is just way too much pressure for me. I'll totally clog up.  Having some kind of structure like write a short story or a fiction or a poem leaves the creative door open but will prevent me from clogging up.  I have replaced it with an American Poetry class which I am VERY excited about.

My afternoon class is with a professor whom I love. I've had her before and she is amazing! She is also very funny which makes class even better.

All in all a good day!

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