Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ferret Drama

I have three ferrets.  Two girls and one boy. One of my girls Bella was acting really weird and the long and short of it is she had gotten a cut on her tail that abscessed.  So the poor baby girl had an infected cut.

Now she is on a pain killer and antibiotics...have you ever seen a ferret on pain killers? Take a step back, have you ever tried to give a ferret pain killers? They're very smart and its taking something very small (.01 cc's of medicine) and aiming it at a small moving target.

It's very cute in that frustrating way.  Its something I think parents can relate to-when your child does something somewhat frustrating but its so cute you can't possibly stay annoyed for too long-its just like that.

For those in you not in the know regarding ferrets I've attached a pic of my fuzzbutts, so cute no?
Bella (healthy and happy here :)!)

Baby Boy Loki
Gentle girl Alice

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