Tuesday, September 21, 2010


After two years in my current apartment Adam and I decided to move to a bigger/better layout. Its not that are current apartment is "bad" but that we're in a position to go from good to great.  Our current apartments layout wasn't very well planned...we have hallway that is 7+ feet wide and a kitchen and front room that is too small.

We move in on Thursday! Some friends are willing to help, bless them :). It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate when you have your own place.  I'm already on box 2 for my kitchen and I still have at least another big box.

Then of course there is the bedroom, linens, bathrooms, front room, and general knick knack/candle/photos and frames. My apartment looks like box city sprinkled with furniture and things we use on a daily basis.

I'll be so happy when we're settled in our new apartment, over 100 more sq ft, walk through closet, bathroom that is double the size of my current one, a loft that gets so much wonderful light, and vaulted ceilings. We also are getting a full sized washer/dryer in the unit.  Before all we had was a stack-able half sized unit.  I'll post pictures of our new place soon...I'm so in love with it.


  1. =) and don't buy more! and don't spend your means, spend below your means...your mom would so agree with me, I know you already know this and will claim you agree with me, but you're Branders and that means a few boxes of candles...and a library of books o.o ;p

  2. haha I probably will but I actually threw away so much when we moved, stuff I never used. My library of books is much smaller because I gave away a bunch to goodwill. Only kept ones I would read again. I'm going to try to keep that same spirit but I love books. So maybe in another 2-3 years I'll get over loaded and have to do this all again :)
