Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moved in!

We're in.  Can we find everything? Is most of the things we own in a box? The answers, I am proud to say, are Most of it and No respectively :)!  I cooked in my new kitchen and I think I had a spiritual experience. Ok, that might be a little over the top but being that I love to cook the extra counter space, cabinet space, and newer shinier appliances are well appreciated.

I don't mean to brag, ok yes I do...but the washer and dryer are something to dream about.  I had a washer and dryer in my previous apartment but it was an old "thin twin" stackable.  It is a a little less than half the normal size of a washer and dryer and makes laundry day a nightmare. I now have a full size washer and dryer but it is quite possibly a little larger than a standard size one.  It handled 4 new towels, 2 hand towels, and a bulky twin comforter w/o a hiccup. 

I still have things in boxes and things are a bit messy but it is coming along nicely.  I can't wait until all my pictures are up and my candles are out.  Its usually the last thing you do but it starts to make a place feel "lived in".  Photos soon!

Reporting from Box city!

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