Monday, September 20, 2010

Rant time

My rant begins by seeing peoples responses to the Lady Gaga video regarding Don't ask, don't tell (DADT) policy in the military.

Let me begin by saying-all religious, political and personal beliefs aside regarding DADT and homosexuality I want to say that the way people responded is appalling.

Let me explain, many of the comments posted on this video were not thoughtful and/or intellectual comments.  Rather they were filled with insulting and crude comments. 

Regardless of whether or not I agree with any of the comments I do believe that if you want to be heard you need to present yourself as an intelligent way.  Take time to compose your thoughts and why you do not like X, Y, or Z.

Has the internet become a place for people to spout off their opinions w/o thought, often facts or spell check ;), in ways that demean and insult other people?  Is it OK to use free speech in this way? Albeit these questions are mostly rhetorical but if you have an intelligent respectful response (agree or otherwise) feel free to voice it. Also, yes I do see the irony in using an online blog to express negative opinions about the spouting off of information lol but to be fair it is the way they express it that I have negative reaction to.

That's all :)

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