Thursday, October 14, 2010


So as an English major, I don't know if I've said that or not, I have a love of words.  I've decided to start a word list.  These words may be short, long, in the dictionary or  words that have been made up-slang etc. I may have heard them in a poem or I may not know the definition of them and am learning the definition while I post, add, edit this blog (the definitions will most likely come from These are in no particular order...It's kind of short now but it will grow as I think of more words :)!

-Superfluous-I just love the way this word sounds[soo-pur-floo-uhs]  Show IPA–adjective 1.being more than is sufficient or required; excessive.
2.unnecessary or needless.
3.Obsolete . possessing or spending more than enough or necessary; extravagant
-Blogetry-This is a word we made up in class.  The professor and another kid and I somehow started on blogs about poetry.  Then we mused about how ridiculous that could be and how it could get out of hand.  And I said you know you have a problem though when they push the two words together to form a whole new catchphrase like Plog and the other kid said or blogetry.  Made me smile!
-Surcease of Sorrow-This is from The Raven by Poe.  Ok so its cheating a little because its a phrase but this turn-a-phrase is just awesome...
[sur-sees]  verb, -ceased, -ceas·ing. noun
–verb (used without object) cease from some action; desist. come to an end.
–verb (used with object)
3.Archaic . to cease from; leave off.
4.cessation; end.

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