Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tea Pots

I think its the weather but it makes me think of tea.

 I can't help but think its too easy.  I put the water in a mug and in the microwave and in a minute and a half I have the perfect temperature water.  It's not quite boiling and has a nice steam coming off of it and I know that it won't lose its heat while I sit on the couch.

Then I pick out a tea bag.  Do I want something spicy? Apple cinnamon.  Something relaxing? Chamomile and lavender. Simple and caffeinated? English breakfast tea with a bit of milk.  I drop the bag into the water and let it steep, add some honey and maybe a little lemon juice for most of the teas I enjoy. 

See, now doesn't this sound lovely?  But I can't help but feel its almost too easy.  It makes me think of old tea pots and how much I would love one.  I even have a nice serving set too for milk, sugar, and even matching platters for pastries for tea time, how quaint.  [Please do not misunderstand my use of the word quaint which I use to convey old fashioned charm.]  I have never used it though because I have never had an occasion to stand on ceremony.

So I think I think a tea kettle and tea pot are in order.  Apparently there is a difference.  I have heard the term tea kettle and tea pot but never realized that they were not the same thing.  This either uncovers my personal ignorance toward the whole process and/or Americas lack of knowledge regarding tea service, and most likely these ideas are not mutually exclusive. 

So I should acquire a tea kettle (an electric one just won't do), tea pot, and some nice deep mugs to drink it out of.  I might even start collecting tea pots...when I'm old and my children are teenagers I have to have something to embarrass them with.  Now enjoy my pictures of fun unique tea kettles and tea pots :D!!

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