Friday, November 26, 2010

Surviving Black Friday

The definition of insanity is: doing something over and over expecting different results.  Now when i folded the same sweaters over and over for the first 5 hours of my shift I'm not entirely sure how/why I thought it would some how stop (that would be the expectation part I assume).

So, 12.5 hours of work, and a total of 19 hours since I woke up I am a little punchy to say the least.  I'm beyond exhausted, so much to the point where I can't fall asleep.  Anyone ever have that problem? You're too exhausted to fall asleep? Now I would like nothing more than to take a shower to try to ease myself into sleepy bliss and my man has taken the shower with the hopeful words I'll be quick.  Last time he said that I had to rush my somewhat luke warm shower that was cool by the time I got the conditioner rinsed out-if I don't sound enthusiastic or relieved its because I'm neither.  I am currently very cranky and sensitive and might have to kick my honeys butt for not being as sensitive as he could stealing the shower...

So praying she doesn't end up with a cold shower, this is B, 'night.


  1. Were you able to get a warm shower? He should've rubbed your feet too!!!!

  2. Black friday is pure evil. =( I'm sorry babe

  3. He was sympathetic to a point lol. not as much as I'd like and I did end up getting a warm shower but I had to sacrifice my sleep to wait for the water heater to do its thing. But its way behind me now. I'm hoping that today and christmas eve won't be a repeat lol.
