Thursday, January 6, 2011

Regards to Mark Twain

Let me give this interesting rants some context.  I am studying Mark Twain Letters from this Earth where he takes the opportunity to poke some fun in the face of religion.  I felt inspired. 

Dear God,

Is it your plan to allow us to savagely destroy each other? Will you begin again to create a new world with “good” people, third times the charm.  The grease stains of the earth are your most important tools in this plan.  They ooze and spread into every corner and every fiber.  They will not discriminate and do not care who is left behind when the final judgment comes.

The murderer, the robber, the sociopath, and the businessman do not care if you are black, white, purple, or a smurf.  They concern themselves with the grit they must dig out of their shoe after they have crushed you beneath it.  Poor smurf.

Now it is not to say that I am not grateful for some of the finer things in life; I am particularly fond of many of your four legged creatures but I could live without some of them.  Mosquitoes are a particular annoyance of mine, the noxious little bloodsuckers.

I know you are a busy man, or woman, being omnipotent and all and I hope this finds you well (does God take sick days?), so long and thanks for all the fish.

X’s and O’s

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