Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ferret Attack?!

So there has been a sensational scandal roaming the interwebs recently regarding a ferret who allegedly removed seven fingers from a sleeping infant some have responded the way this journalist has; http://www.oregonlive.com/pets/index.ssf/2011/01/ferrets_shouldnt_get_a_bad_rep.html . Others have responded this way; http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/6213760/ferret_attacks_baby_in_grain_valley.html?cat=53

1)The ferret allegedly (reports of the necropsy have not been released yet) bit off seven fingers before the baby cried out in pain and/or the parents could retrieve the baby.  If you have ever seen the mouth of the ferret it is incredibly small, its ability to pull away and eat that much flesh before the baby cried out in pain and/or the parent responded would be next to impossible.  From an unbiased POV if the ferret is responsible for this, the question still stands, how long did this baby actually cry before a parent responded? Reports state that the mother who was watching TV and supposedly keeping an eye on the child had fallen asleep.  The father had gone into the bedroom to take a nap.  Also, if you have read at least one article on ferret care it specifies that ferrets should not be left out unsupervised and especially around small children. 

2)Ferrets do not attack unless provoked or neglected (any article on ferret care will tell you this too).  If they are neglected or abused you are looking at animal abuse.  An animal cannot be blamed for its behavior much like dogs who attack when provoked (or abused)and you should punish the deed not the whole species. 

A re-homing of the pet, taking it to a shelter, or humane society  would have been more appropriate.  When a dog bites/injures a child it is either given up (if no behavioral problems exist) or if deemed a dangerous animal is euthanized.  Why wasn't this ferret awarded this same decency (if you read the article the owners threw the ferret against a wall)?

3)First and foremost regardless of the ferrets guilt or innocence, the question, where were the parents should be on the tip of everyone's tongue. Ultimately when something (understandably and rightfully) horrible happens to a child people blame, violent movies/games/tv/society/in this case a whole species-labeled it as "aggressive".  Parents are the first and last step in keeping children safe and healthy.

Now that is done I do believe that a ferret could not have done this. Not just because I have three but because a ferret is literally too small to have done that kind of damage in a short amount of time. 

Please feel free to rebut in a intellectual respectful way if you would like :)!

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