Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Its been a while

I have been very busy, right now life is a little crazy.

I'm now married :)! It feels so good to be married.

I finished my bachelors degree in English and have been working on the entry requirements to Concordia.  There are a lot of them. They needed health information and interviews on top of the standard stuff, but I have registered for classes officially and will be starting class at the end of the month.

Work has been shitty. I do well in retail because I have a lot of patience and when my patience deserts me I can hold back the urge that makes me want to smack the customer.  I have a new opportunity on the horizon, I will be babysitting FT for a close friend of mine.

It won't pay as much as my current job would when they dole out the hours.  But, they only do that for a few months outta the year and even then its only marginally more than what I would make as a babysitter. I would rather work in a job I enjoy and have fun with.

So life right now is preparing for new school and holding on to this new job that I am UBER excited about.

I also have been going over and over in my head about a book but I have no idea what its going to be about really.  I have all but written the first page in my head. Except I'm apprehensive about starting a book when I don't know where it is going. That is the anal factor in me.  I really need to get over that because I think it could be really good.  I'll keep people updated :)!


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