Monday, December 27, 2010

6th yr anniversary

So our 6 year anniversary is tomorrow.  We often joke and call this our Christmasversary because they're so close together.  We aren't doing anything for it and I like it that way.  We just spent money on Christmas and we're about to spend (and have already spent) a lot of money on a wedding and honeymoon that is going to be changing our anniversary anyway.

Girls everywhere are probably going, what?! You don't want flowers, or chocolates?! A nice dinner out?! I can honestly say in a non-trapping way I don't want anything nor do I want to do anything.

I just want to hang out with my soon to be hubby, on the couch, w/o getting dressed up or made up (which is fun but it always feels like work lol) and watch a movie.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Saying goodbye to 2010

Christmas, more than anything, makes me see the end of the year.  I know that sounds strange especially since I will be ringing in the New Years with some of the best friends I could ever ask for.  Something about Christmas though, just makes it feel that much more-maybe because it is the very first concrete symbol of the year coming to a close.

I could not have asked for a better year despite everything.  I was unemployed and very stressed for a long period of time during it but I'm walking into 2011 with job security, knowing I'll have my bachelors degree in English, and I'll be getting married to a man I am so in love with and so very proud of. I'll be taking steps to getting into Concordia to start my teaching degree too.

All of this has made it pretty easy to say goodbye to 2010.  I won't feel sad or melancholy at the years passing because I'm so excited for the years I have yet to celebrate and even the people I have yet to meet, including the children Adam and I would like to have before we're over 30. 

Much Love, many happy wishes.  Don't dwell on what could have been or what you could change this past year, this year keep the good memories and drive forward expecting to make many more mistakes but even more happy memories.