Friday, November 26, 2010

Surviving Black Friday

The definition of insanity is: doing something over and over expecting different results.  Now when i folded the same sweaters over and over for the first 5 hours of my shift I'm not entirely sure how/why I thought it would some how stop (that would be the expectation part I assume).

So, 12.5 hours of work, and a total of 19 hours since I woke up I am a little punchy to say the least.  I'm beyond exhausted, so much to the point where I can't fall asleep.  Anyone ever have that problem? You're too exhausted to fall asleep? Now I would like nothing more than to take a shower to try to ease myself into sleepy bliss and my man has taken the shower with the hopeful words I'll be quick.  Last time he said that I had to rush my somewhat luke warm shower that was cool by the time I got the conditioner rinsed out-if I don't sound enthusiastic or relieved its because I'm neither.  I am currently very cranky and sensitive and might have to kick my honeys butt for not being as sensitive as he could stealing the shower...

So praying she doesn't end up with a cold shower, this is B, 'night.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


And it isn't the phat, dope, wicked cool, kind of sick.  It is Adam's dad who is sick. 

He had what he thought was pneumonia. He was coughing a lot and was really congested in his lungs.  He went in to see a doctor who wanted a CT scan and they found some masses so he is having an operation to find out what it is.

While I'm never happy if anyone in my life is sick I do have to say this is becuase of his smoking.  Its making him sick.  I think Adam and I need to have a conversation with him and tell him he needs to quit smoking. He gets these colds and what not every fall because of his smoking.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Life update

Been busy work and school.  I have a decent chunk of time off this week so I want to get ahead on hmwk and do some baking.  I've wanted to bake some bread and general fall goodies.  I don't know why that is. I know my mom gets into bake mode when it turns fall, maybe its genetic.  A diet-debilitating baking disease :P.

Turns out Bella (the ferret) was really sick.  She has had really bad congestion (think pneumonia-but ferret sized) and violent sneezing fits.  We had taken her to the vet 3x in the last few months for her shots and a check up because we concerned about the sneezing and congestion.  He said lets wait and see.  We finally had enough of wait and see and went for a second opinion.  About the time we called the 2nd vet Bellas health really deteriorated and the ferret specialist ran some tests and found out she was indeed a very sick girl.  She (and the other two fuzzy monsters) are currently on some antibiotics.  Giving antibiotics to a ferret is like trying to shoot a very small squirming target.  Its entertaining and takes some skill and you aren't always going to hit the target.  This can be proved by the pink stains on both the ladies (the squirmiest of our three)-the antibiotic amoxicillan is made for animals but they never changed the flavor from that yummy bubble gum flavor or color!

I'm currently working on my save the dates, school, work, and trying to do hmwk and sleep somewhere in there.  Anyone who is working and going to school can empathize but you gotta do what you gotta do.  People with FT jobs and/or kids do it (how? I'm guessing large doses of uppers in the shape of a styrofoam cup filled with the essence known as coffee :)!) and I don't have kids and its only a PT job.  So I've gotta tell myself, yes its hard, yes sometimes I feel like quitting, and then I remember there is always somebody out there who has it worse and me complaining about my pathetic shit (excuse my french) helps no one, least of all myself.

So here I am, trying to stay positive, self motivated, and sane. Wish me luck and speedy access to that styrofoam cup filled with happy :)!