Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wife of a cop

So I don't know if I ever mentioned it but my husband is a police officer. He works for a smaller department so office politics are down to a minimum to non existent.  This makes dealing with some of the major stress cops, and their families, deal with a little easier to handle.  I am reading this book called I Love a Cop. It's been amazing and eye opening about what other cop families go through. 

I see some of us in the stories of the officers and their families. Mostly I would call it terrific preventative medicine so that you know how to recognize signs of stress and how to counter it. Just wanted to share :D


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Something's Gotta Give

No, not the movie but my life. I wear many hats a wife, student, daughter, pet and apartment caregiver, and until recently employee.

I recently had an amazing opportunity to work with my friends kids and left my previous miserable job to do it. Some things happened in my friends life that postponed the start date of this job.  This meant time to take care of my apartment, the pets, myself, and my hubby. The latter two have been the most neglected before I've had this time off. Though my hubby would probably disagree with being at the top of this particular list as I try very hard to prevent anything from falling through the cracks and he's always appreciative of the things I do.

So Adam and I had a discussion about me not going back to work and focusing on my school. We discovered we are in a unique and privileged position to allow that to happen. I couldn't be more grateful.

I'm finding myself always exhausted and spread too thin.  My hubby works a FT jobs and cannot pick up any of the slack and I was running out of hours in the day to get it all done. I've gotten into the habit of regularly staying up until the sun comes up to get it all done.

Then sleep deprived, roll out of bed and try to get even more done and this has left me stressed, dizzy, exhausted, and frustrated that I cannot get it all done. Specifically, I've noticed a lot lately that I've been blending and confusing my words or getting light headed and walking into being drunk without the party. The more worn out I get, the more I stress, the less I sleep, and the more light headed and spaztic I get. It's a horrible circle.

Then caught up in all of this is my wonderful hubby who a shock absorber for all my irritability, poor guy. So between Grad school, work, the pets, the apartment, and trying to have relationships with friends and family (which includes my hubby of course) something had to give.

Lucky for me, I have a wonderful man and we have a great plan in place to re-prioritize and put the important things first, like sleep, family, hubby, and school