Monday, October 24, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I haven't been on here since the wedding I believe.  It's been a whirlwind this year after getting married I had to get my things together for Concordia. I'm currently in my first term and feeling a delightfully overwhelmed.

We have adjusted to married life very well.  Its very similar to the life we had before only now I have to remember to sign my new name :)! No, its more than that.  Now that we are married we are preparing (emotionally and financially) for the next steps in life like buying a home. 

We're talking a lot about having kids too and its more than just a general "at some point we want to have kids". Things like when do we want to start trying, how do we feel about certain things associated with parenting, and certain things associated with pregnancy and birth. 

We're not planning on it anytime soon. As far as a "plan" is concerned I can  guarantee any "plans" we have about having kids will be overridden by life in general. It is just good to know where we are about the subject and what we don't know so we know what we'll need to learn about when the time comes to take the next step :).

So right now, its just work, school, homework, and in rare cases seeing my hubby. He works nights and I've been working a lot of closing shifts. It means we don't get to see each other a lot because I leave for work before he is up and come home after he has left.

For anyone in cyberspace who is listening, that's a little about my life right now.