Monday, September 5, 2011

Interesting reflections about life reflections....

Just relived some interesting past moments with a new friend.  Its interesting looking back at it and explaining it to someone and how you tend to reflect on your life.  Now I'm reflection about those reflections...why do we do things like this? 

Why do people come to realizations about their life then analyze those? Typically, you do it when you're older or  only when they're reliving it with someone else? Maybe for me its a combination of both.

I think we're a highly social type of animal and this should come as no surprise to anyone.  We also have a tendency to hang on to "the good old days". 

I didn't feel that way about things though.  It was a more positive feeling of without these mistakes I wouldn't be here kind of feeling.  It wasn't a "missing the good old days" type feeling.

While I wish I had more time to hang out with and maintain the friendships I had in the "good old days" I have a great group of friends I love now.  Some of them are old friends I have known since high school (the good old days) but I had to let some go.

I wasn't always this positive about it or so casual about it. It really hurt when some of the people I was closest to drifted away. I kept trying but they kept drifting.

Now I just really love how things are.  I have an amazing husband, wonderful friends, and I'm pursuing a career I love.

While we're technically not where we want to end up-like we don't own a home yet because we're not ready for a home-we're happy with where things are and where we're going. Just signed a lease on the apartment we really like and in a few years maybe we'll be ready to get one.