Thursday, June 9, 2011

School Drama

So I had a snag with school a few months ago. You have to apply for graduation two terms in advance. I had to delay it because I was unemployed and had to drop out for a term in 2010. They told me to delay it to the deadline which was summer 2011 term.  I ended up graduating earlier than expected and was lucky enough to be able to move my graduation date up to make me eligible to apply for graduate school this year, so phew right?

Not so much. So I still owe money on this term and because of that they will not release my transcripts. It will get paid in about a month.  The problem isn't paying it, it's being able to pay it now.  I'm talking to Concordia in hopes there is something I can do to get it released or get conditional acceptance or if there are some other alternatives. 

That's the bad news, the silver lining is I have a back up plan. Whether or not I got into Concordia I was going to get my CRP/First Aid Cert which most child related jobs require and get into a job working with kids for experience.  If I don't get in, I can work FT, get some experience and then go back to school next year in the FT program. I would still graduate at the same time but I wouldn't be working during that year.

Just focus on school and get it all done. So it isn't completely a waste, there is a back up plan but it would be nice to not have to use it lol.