Thursday, April 21, 2011

Arts and crafts :)

I have always been a big fan of doing artsy craftsy things and have become a fan of scrapbooking.  I like to keep little things, like the plane tickets when we went on vacation or like the ones I kept from going to the top of the space needle in Seattle.  So I started one for the wedding, its mostly bare for now because I've only got the planning stuff in it.

My dress and some of the accessories I looked at!

Page for our mani/pedi-should be cute pics :)

For honeymoon stuff like our tix to maui :)

From the day we got engaged.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hi Blog-miss me and blast past from the past

It has been a while since I have written anything in here.  Just as well, I'm not sure whether or not anyone is really listening.  Who knows, I probably write this more for my own catharsis than for any real audience. 

I had a major blast from the past today.  I was on facebook, where I spend too much of my time, and I had some friend suggestions. You know, the bar of faces over on the edge of facebook saying, maybe you know these people? Usually they're just some odd compilation of your  friends coworkers, your friends assorted family members, or maybe they went to the same high school you did but three years behind.

Anyway, one of those faces/names was my ex boyfriend/first love from high school! I must admit, at first I laughed a little, like wow facebook got one right! Someone I actually know.  I haven't thought about him in a few years.  I don't say that to be mean of course-its just reality.  We dated in high school close to 7-8 years ago when I was a junior (?) so hey can you blame me? I gotta admit, he is still a little hottie lo (Adam-I love you honey ;)!). Its kind of interesting I can say that now with awkwardness or embarassment-although he might be embarassed (so if he ever reads this sorry! lol). 

I think having a blast from the past can make us regress and miss the 'old days'.  But it didn't feel like that (too much), ya we had a lot of the "where are they now" conversation-job, family, life in general but I didn't feel like I missed who I was/what I did then.  More of a fond remembering of the person I was then and how I've changed or stayed the same.

Maybe nostalgic is a better word? It was too easy for me to think of my libido driven, over-emotional teenage self as a piece of the puzzle that is me and that moment in my life with "first love" is just a piece of the whole.  As was the writing bad poetry and watching cheesey movies.  To be fair, I still watch cheesey movies but the poetry has improved some :) (I think/hope).

Has anyone else had this happen? Mine was triggered by a blast from the past but I think its also because I'm hitting some interesting milestones this year.  Just a reflection on how you've changed, who you were "then and now", what brought yours on? Was it a calm reflection, an interesting musing, or a total freak out, lol?

Mine is the first two and with absolute clarity not at all a freak out.  I have never been more set or happy in my path than I have been.  I feel like I have always been pretty sure of myself and what I'm doing and where I'm going in the future (in days, months, or years) and if I don't its usually pretty obvious to me-I feel it.  But I feel even more secure of myself now and I'm really excited for the parts I haven't gotten too yet :).

That was me, hoping no one is sitting at their computer screen gagging.  I could make something up and spin some made for tv lifetime movie about how lost I feel and maybe my ex is cropping up because hes who I meant to be with.  Lets see I'd be played by Sarah Chalke-shes awesomely neurotic and totally bubbly (maybe we'd need to add a dash of cynical to her though) and I think she'd look good with my auburn locks :p. But it'd play out more like, I'd have an amazing boyfriend and right before he propses I meet my first love after years and years and I deny the proposal because after all my first love out of nowheres gotta mean something right? So I play it out with him and then I realize, OH NO, the amazing boyfriend was the one for me and I was just confused and mixed up and trying to find myself and I beg him to take me back.  So lets skip all the drama and go straight to the happily ever after part :) <3.