Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life as I know it

Very busy for a while.  I graduate (in theory-it won't be official on paper for a while), apply for graduate school, turn 25, get married, and then the honeymoon that is just until July. I start graduate school in August!

Why is it that sometimes it feels great to be busy and othertimes you just feel so tired?  Sometimes it feels great because it makes that free time that much more special but most of the time I just feel exhausted and stressed out. 

Adams been pitching in a little more around the apartment which has helped keep me relaxed. I haven't had much time to do much around here. I keep the animals fed, happy, and played with lol. I can look past the laundry but those little faces follow me around-sometimes literally lol.

Well, I am tired and as I talk about this the clock is creeping past 9:30p, snooze time.